A Toolbox Full of Topics: Construction and Contracting Blogs

Could You Make Better Use of Glass?

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Are you considering renovating your home? If your home needs a refresh, there are lots of options you might consider. Do you enjoy the rustic appeal of wooden beams and the solidity they add to a home? Do you like rich, ornate fabric and the charm it can bring to your walls and floor? One material to which you may not have given enough thought is glass. You will be familiar with glass in windows and perhaps doors in your home, but there is much more you could do with glass. Read More»

How To Make Your Home Feel Like A Paradise This Summer

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Summertime is many Australian’s favourite season as it means more holidays and a better climate to enjoy the outdoors. However, you can’t always be out and about, and most of your time this summer will most likely still be spent at home, so why not make it a place that you want to be in and not just somewhere to sleep? One way to better incorporate summer this year (and beyond) is through the installation of skylight windows. Read More»

Are you concerned about vibration coming from your site?

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Considerate constructors care about their neighbours. If you are managing a construction project, you will be required to ensure that you keep those in neighbouring properties happy at every stage of the construction process. You must try to limit deliveries to times when they won’t block the road and cause long tailbacks for people trying to get to or from work. You should also be concerned about noise levels on your site and find ways to work that won’t interfere too much with anyone living or working nearby. Read More»

Three Qualities Of The Best Fencing Timber You Should Be Looking For

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Fencing timber is vital across large swathes of the country as not only a way to mark property boundaries, but also to hem in livestock, keep out dingos and pests and provide a navigational tool for farmers. Many of these fences, and indeed fences near more urban areas as well, are made from timber because it is easily accessible, simple to cut into the right shape and relatively cheap compared to metal. Read More»

New Home Designs for Minimalist Living

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Living a minimalist lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular for many people. This lifestyle is about more than just reducing the number of items that you own. The lifestyle can mean several different things, including a minimalist appearance, minimal items, or both. If you are considering this type of lifestyle, here are some new home designs that may be ideal. Open Layouts One of the key features to new home designs for minimalists is in the layout. Read More»