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Truckers: 5 Tips to Prevent Back Pain

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Many drivers complain about back pain from their daily commutes, but if you're a truck driver, you spend way more time driving than the average commuter. That can be torture on your back. To protect yourself from back injuries and strains, take a look at these tips.

1. Replace Worn-Out Seats

The quality of your truck seats has a huge impact on your comfort. You need the seat to support you so that your muscles don't have to, and when the seat isn't supportive, your muscles work overtime, leading to strains or sprains. Keep in mind that your seat usually won't last as long as your truck. If the seat's cushions, shocks or other parts start to degrade, you should consider replacing the seat. You may want to give yourself a treat by upgrading to a higher quality seat.

2. Use the Arm Rests

Whether you're ordering a new seat or not, consider adding armrests to your seat if it doesn't have them. Then, make sure you use the arm rests. That extra bit of support for your arms can help to reduce the strain you may feel if you hold up your arms for too long. In particular, if you're feeling a lot of strain down your neck and into your shoulder, that's a sign that your arm needs a rest.

3. Position Mirrors Correctly

Before hitting the road, take some time to position your mirrors correctly. Ideally, you want to minimise your blind spot as much as possible. If your blind spot is too big, you will end up twisting and turning a lot as you drive. That can lead to neck or back problems, even if you have a high quality truck seat such as an ISRI seat. You want to minimise movements as you drive.

4. Add Massaging Elements

To give yourself extra comfort, you may want to add massaging elements to your truck seat. You can buy massaging pads that draw power from your battery and massage different parts of your body including your back, lower back and legs. Alternatively, if you don't want an electrical massaging pad, you may want to put in wooden beads. Many people enjoy the comfort they add to their seats.

5. Adjust Seat for Comfort

Finally, adjust the height of the seat and its distance from the steering wheel to safeguard your comfort levels. Ideally, you want your legs to rest against the seat with light pressure. If there's a gap between the back of your knee and the bottom of the seat, you need to raise the seat. If that area of your body is pressing hard against the seat, you may need to lower the seat to give your legs more room.
